How to File Your Business Taxes Digitally in Manitoba


As with most things these days, the Manitoba government’s tax apparatus is digitizing. They even came up with a fun word-combination: TAX and Access. TAXcess! Below you’ll learn who this tool is for, what you can do with it, and how to sign up.


Out with the old, in with the new.

Why file your Manitoba business taxes digitally?

If you’re a small business owner that files their own taxes, TAXcess will probably make your life just a little bit easier. If you get your accountant to do it for you, they likely already use TAXcess.

With TAXcess, you skip the paper, the mailbox, and going to the tax office or bank for payment. For the small business owner who is typically working on their their PST return after hours, filing through TAXcess can be a real time saver.

What you can do in Manitoba with TAXcess.

For most small business owners, the most common use of TAXcess is to pay your Manitoba Retail Sales Tax. Depending on your sales, you need to remit your PST collections monthly, quarterly or annually.

Other submissions that can be remitted using TAXcess include paying your health and education levy, corporation capital, fuel, and/or International Fuel Tax Agreements.

How to sign up for TAXcess in Manitoba

  1. Visit to sign-up.

  2. Create and choose your own User ID and password.

  3. No more paper! Now when you file your taxes, your notices will be in your TAXcess account, where you can retrieve and view them at any time.

  4. After the fact, if you need to amend your returns, you can do so up to years after filing.

Making taxes easier is good.
Paying less of them is better.

A Corporate Care Benefits Plan is specifically designed
 to  reduce  taxes for small business owners.

Josh Baker